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Yearly physicals i.e. annual check-ups are integral to proactive healthcare. At Diverse Care, our routine appointments provide individuals with an opportunity to assess their overall well-being and detect potential health issues early on. Our healthcare professionals conduct thorough examinations which include checking vital signs, reviewing medical history, and performing various screenings and tests. This proactive approach helps individuals stay informed about their health status, identify risk factors, and receive guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Yearly physicals not only promote early intervention but also encourage a strong doctor-patient relationship, fostering open communication and informed decision-making for better long-term health outcomes.

What is hormone therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment option for patients experience symptoms and side effects related to hormone imbalance. Restoring hormones to optimal levels supports symptom relief, reduced risk of disease, and other benefits.

What is the evexipel method?

EvexiPEL is a method of hormone pellet therapy renowned for maximizing patient results and comfort. From the pellets to the procedure, patients who choose EvexiPEL achieve optimization and enjoy a better experience.

Am I a candidate for hrt?

To find out if you are a candidate for hormone replacement therapy, talk to your provider. Your EvexiPEL Certified Provider can help you with a treatment plan that uses other advanced therapies to achieve your wellness goals.

Which hormones do you need for optimal health?

Before your first consultation you may be wondering—do I really need hormone therapy? How are my hormones tied to how I feel?

Those are great questions because hormones are complex. To gain better insight, including how hormones cause the uncomfortable symptoms of aging and which hormones might be out of balance. Watch the “Hormone Havoc” video with Dr. Terri DeNeui, founder of EVEXIAS Health Solutions and creator of the EvexiPEL method. In this video, she walks you through the what, why, and how of hormone imbalance, hoAfter your review, you may still have questions—that’s normal! Make note and chat with your provider during your first consultation. Your EvexiPEL Certified Provider is highly trained in hormone health and can answer all your questions and design a complete treatment plan that supports your goals and your lifestyle. After your review, you may still have questions—that’s normal! Make note and chat with your provider during your first consultation. Your EvexiPEL Certified Provider is highly trained in hormone health and can answer all your questions and design a complete treatment plan that supports your goals and your lifestyle.

Odds are, you have been aware of your hormones since your teen years when your parents blamed your somber mood or acne on your “changing hormones.” The fact is that your hormones keep changing as you age—it’s inevitable. What does that mean for you? You need to monitor and manage your hormone health now (in your 20s and 30s) to sail through each decade with health and vitality—it doesn’t all have to be left up to luck or winning at genetics.
First, you need to recognize that certain conditions, such low testosterone or thyroid dysfunction are not limited to “old people.” These are conditions of hormone imbalance that can happen at any age but when caught early and properly managed can support lifelong health and reduced risk of associated diseases.

Next, hormones fluctuate throughout the lifecycle and, unfortunately, for many women fluctuate monthly with more dramatic changes occurring with pregnancy and childbirth. When you—men or women—maintain a healthy lifestyle, these changes are less impactful with age.

Preventing hormone imbalance or managing hormone health in your 20s to 30s begins with good nutrition, routine exercise, prioritizing quality sleep and is supported by nutritional supplements and, possibly, other integrative therapies. To know when you to take action beyond the basics, you need to know what hormone imbalance might look like at your age and gender.

Male hormones in your 20s to 30s: low t can happen to you

The hormone testosterone is the predominant sex hormone in males, though men also produce some estrogen as well. In youth, testosterone plays a key role in growth and the development of masculine features. As males mature, testosterone supports muscle growth (size and strength), healthy bones, sex drive, energy levels, mood and sperm production.
Male testosterone levels tend to peak in the early 20s, then gradually drop by 1-2 percent per year after age 30. ACCORDING TO THE AMERICAN UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (AUA), the normal testosterone level for males is 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) or above. Readings below 300 ng/dl indicate low testosterone—also known as low T or hypogonadism. While low T (and the symptoms that go with it) are more common after age 40, men in their 20s can experience low T as well.

Research in the journal FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY, revealed two interesting insights about low T in young men. First, the most common symptom of low T in 20-somethings is low energy levels, not necessarily the low libido or erectile dysfunction experienced by older males. Second, the researchers also attributed a large percentage of hypogonadism in study subjects to diet and lifestyle choices. While they didn’t rule out underlying congenital causes, the researchers found “acquired conditions such as obesity, diabetes, anabolic steroid or illicit drug use have all been associated with low testosterone levels.”

While low energy is the most common symptom of low T in younger men—and low libido and erectile dysfunction are rarer in your 20s—other symptoms of low T may include:

What else can cause low T in younger men?

ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH (NIH), issues with the glands that help manage hormone production—the pituitary gland and hypothalamus gland—can contribute to low T, as can low thyroid function (see below). CERTAIN PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS, cancer treatments (chemotherapy), testicular injury, cancer itself and other diseases and conditions can affect testosterone levels, as well.

And do not forget some of the primary causes of low T in your 20s—those unhealthy lifestyle choices men bring upon themselves: Obesity, diabetes, anabolic steroid use, alcohol abuse and drug abuse. Unhealthy living over the long-term—and related disease states like metabolic syndrome—can also contribute to cardiovascular disease and other health issues.

Men need to keep estrogen in balance, too. While maintaining proper testosterone levels is critical, meHTTPS://WWW.EVEXIAS.COM/WHY-MEN-SHOULD-NOT-BLOCK-ESTROGENn also need adequate estrogen levels to support sexual function. Low estrogen levels can inhibit sex drive, while high estrogen levels can create other problems, such as infertility (high estrogen can slow sperm production), enlarged breasts and erectile dysfunction (which typically occurs in conjunction with low testosterone).

Female hormones in your 20s to 30s: Irregular periods, weight gain, infertility And more

Estrogen and progesterone are the primary sex hormones associated with the female reproductive system but women also need testosterone (lower levels than men) to maintain sexual health and the reproductive system. When hormones are balanced, estrogen works in tandem with progesterone and testosterone, as well as brain hormones (follicle stimulating hormones, luteinizing hormone) to keep the reproductive system and other bodily systems in synch.

Estrogen levels fluctuate during the menstrual cycle and start declining as menopause approaches. Estrogen, which is produced in a woman’s ovaries, is responsible for producing certain female characteristics, like the breasts and hips, and plays a key role in menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy and sexual health. Estrogen also supports brain function, cholesterol, blood sugar, bone density, muscle mass, circulatory system, collagen production and more. In women, testosterone and other androgens (male sex hormones) are needed to support ovarian function, bone health and libido. Androgen hormones may also help support brain, mood and cognitive function, ACCORDING TO HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL.

Hormone imbalance can be troublesome for women in their 20s to 30s

When a woman produces too little or too much estrogen, progesterone or testosterone, this hormone imbalance can result in a variety of health issues. Since estrogen is the primary sex hormone in females, many of the common issues related to hormone imbalance arise due to improper estrogen levels.

High or low levels of estrogen may cause some women to experience:

High levels of testosterone can also cause health issues, including a common condition known as PCOS OR POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME—one of the leading causes of infertility. Obesity is another key risk factor for PCOS. ACCORDING TO THE CLEVELAND CLINIC, women are usually diagnosed with PCOS in their 20s and 30s, often due to fertility issues, and up to 15 percent of women in their child bearing years have PCOS.

Signs and symptoms of PCOS may include:

What causes hormone imbalance in young women?

A variety of factors! For example, women who suffer from eating disorders may stop ovulating and therefore not produce enough estrogen. An unhealthy gut, nutrient deficiencies (like iron or MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY), obesity, exposure to environmental toxins and stress, among other factors, can also lead to hormone imbalance.

Thyroid health is is heavily influenced by hormones and 20 somethings shouldn’t Ignore it

ACCORDING TO THE AMERICAN THYROID ASSOCIATION, about 20 million Americans suffer from some form of thyroid dysfunction. While both sexes can experience thyroid issues, thyroid is much more prevalent in females. Women are five to eight times more likely to have thyroid issues, and one in eight women will end up with a thyroid disorder in their lifetimes.

While age (60+) and sex (female) are key risk factors for thyroid disease, other factors can put younger men and women at risk. These include:

The most common form of thyroid dysfunction is HYPOTHYROIDISM, or underactive thyroid. Other conditions include, HYPERTHYROIDISM (overactive thyroid), Grave’s Disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, thyroid cancer, thyroid nodules and thyroid eye disease. Thyroid disease is often misdiagnosed, as many of the symptoms associated with it—fatigue, weight gain, depression and hair loss—are commonly associated with other diseases.

Be proactive and protect your health:

A knowledgeable practitioner can help you keep hormones in balance

Hormones play many important roles in the human body. If you are in your 20s to 30s and not feeling your best, hormone imbalance may be to blame. Uncovering the root cause of hormone issues is where your healthcare practitioner comes in.

As mentioned earlier, nutrient deficiencies, unhealthy diet and lifestyle, obesity, stress and environmental toxins can all play a role in hormone imbalance. In order to pinpoint the underlying cause of illness, a practitioner can perform a comprehensive medical exam to evaluate symptoms and complaints, then order lab testing to assess hormone and nutrient levels.

While hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may help some patients, many younger patients find relief through diet and lifestyle changes, and/or nutritional therapies. Practitioners experienced in hormonal health can:

If you are in your 20s to 30s and have questions about hormone imbalance or other health concerns, the knowledgeable practitioners at EVEXIAS Health Solutions offer the latest integrative methods for promoting optimal health, including professional-grade nutraceutical products, healthy lifestyle guidance, peptide therapy and EvexiPEL

Another example:

The secret is out

In an era when it is brave to bare your soul with the unsuspecting public on social media, like many other once taboo conversations, vaginal dryness, low libido, and all the other “fun” that comes with perimenopause is on the table.

In fact, many celebrities aren’t shying away from the reality that every woman will face. NAOMI WATTS TOLD SELF MAGAZINE that she felt so alone when she hit perimenopause at the very young age of 36. Like many women, she went straight to her mother with questions, only to discover that her mother had also experienced perimenopause early, she told the magazine, “I said to [my mother] ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ And she said, ‘Well, these are the conversations I didn’t have with my mother because she never had them with hers.’” It was this revelation that made Watts, now 54, decide to speak out, “It made me realize, wow, this is a secret that has been kept generation upon generation, and somehow everyone’s signed this code of silence, yet everyone’s going there at some point.”

What is perimenopause?

Women and menopause have been the brunt of many jokes across the last several decades, but the truth is that menopause isn’t really the reason women are feeling out of sorts or enduring “the change” as it was once called.

MENOPAUSE is but one day in time. When a woman has complete 12 consecutive months without a menstrual cycle, she has experienced menopause. Perimenopause, however, is the phase leading up to menopause and is characterized by irregular menstrual cycles and a host of symptoms that are often the result of hormonal fluctuation. PERIMENOPAUSE can last 2 to 10 years—with some women enduring symptoms for nearly two decades.

Symptoms of perimenopause can include:

Courtney Cox took to Instagram in 2022, cleverly matching frame by frame a tampon commercial she did in the ‘80s with a description of HER MODERN-DAY EXPERIENCE WITH PERIMENOPAUSE. She describes symptoms, such as dry skin and bald patches as “ruining her life.” Her post hovered near reaching 1 million like and 15,000 comments.

Solutions to perimenopause

Courtney Cox, Naomi Watts and women everywhere don’t have to suffer—not in silence, not alone, and certainly not with symptoms—and neither do you.

Gabrielle Union also posted about her experience with menopause, talking about all she did to take back control of her fluctuating hormones and the accompanying discomforts. In her post, she talked about the importance of changing her diet and maintaining her exercise routine. In a discussion of Union’s Instagram post, several practitioners chimed in on the importance of limiting gluten, alcohol, and caffeine to help avoid some of the intestinal discomforts of perimenopause.

A healthy gut is a foundational step to warding off symptoms of menopause, but more is often required to correct the imbalances that occur with perimenopause. Terri DeNeui, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC, is the owner and founder of EVEXIAS Medical Centers in Texas, she is also the creator of the EvexiPEL and Chief Medical Officer of EVEXIAS Health Solutions. The organizations she manages and developed specialize in integrative therapies that support hormone optimization.

Dr. DeNeui says, “At the root of many chronic diseases and poor health are imbalanced hormones, including perimenopause. Hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, depression, brain fog, vaginal dryness—all these debilitating symptoms are relieved when your hormones are optimized.”

When hormones are optimized, not only are symptoms relieved, but it becomes easier to tackle other important factors of health and hormone balance. Hormone optimization supports more energy, better sleep, enhanced focus, and cognition, as well as mood stability. This balance is best maintained with lifestyle changes and a healthy gut—much like Gabrielle Union discussed in her social posts.

If you feel like you are out of control of your body and your mind because of perimenopause— don’t wait for things to get worse. Hormone imbalance and perimenopause are very real and can impact women, their families, jobs, relationship, and health. Don’t wait to get help to reclaim yourself.

At Diverse Care Clinic, we are more than just a medical facility; we are your trusted partners in achieving and maintaining your optimal health and well-being.


3415 N Heritage Parkway
Sherman, TX 75092
At the intersection of Hwy 82 & FM 1417

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